Yes, that’s right. You’re not reading this wrong. We’re going to demonstrate how acai wholesale can help your business.
Acai is a bit of a mysterious fruit, isn’t it? It sort of popped up out of nowhere in all kinds of cafes, it’s as influential on Instagram as any of the influencers on the platform, it’s even been referred to as a superfood.
It’s a fruit with its own very loyal fan base that’s steadily growing. There is an increasing demand for Acai bowls for all kinds of potential customers. That’s why, if you run a business that sells food, particularly frozen fruit, you can’t afford to sleep on the Acai berry.
What is acai?
Acai is a type of berry that is extracted from the acai palm. It resembles a grape, however, it’s smaller and less pulpy. In order to be eaten, the fruit has to be soaked in water and have its pulp removed, at which point the pulp must either be frozen or consumed within 24 hours.
Due to its relatively bitter taste, which has been compared to dark chocolate with high volumes of cocoa, acai is at its best when paired with sweet fruits, which is why they are used primarily in breakfast bowls.
Why are acai bowls so popular?
Acai bowls are popular for many different reasons, for example:
- Acai bowls offer a wide range of customisation, giving you the freedom to experiment with all kinds of tastes and portion sizes so you can cater it to your desired diet.
- Acai comes in many forms, including powder sachets, a frozen puree and even a soft-serve sorbet. There really is something for everyone, meaning everybody can enjoy the taste and benefits of acai.
- Acai has an earthy flavour that goes well with the many different kinds of fruits, grain, and spreads that are typically used in acai bowls.
- Acai bowls are aesthetically pleasing. They’re colourful and they evoke the taste of all kinds of desserts, making them ideal for Instagram photos.
Where did acai bowls come from?
Acai bowls originated in South America, where the indigenous population would eat them with fish and vegetables. Eventually, the founders of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu would create their own bowls, using fruit and nuts to create a sweeter variety of Acai bowls. Then it spread, with surfers, athletes and tourists popularising Acai bowls.
Since then, acai has exploded in popularity worldwide, with many different cafes and eateries all around the world stocking all kinds of Acai bowls with different combinations of frozen fruit. Instead of needing to travel to Brazil, people can experience acai in their local cafe or even the comfort of their own home.
Are acai bowls just a fad?
While acai bowls are a relatively recent phenomenon in Australia, they have been steadily growing in popularity. It’s safe to say that acai is not just a fad, which is why we continue to stock it proudly.
How are acai bowls made?
Acai bowls are very simple to make. All it takes is a combination of fruit and toppings with some Acai for that extra je ne sais quoi. What this means is that your business can stock all kinds of acai bowls for all kinds of customers. You can even offer customisable acai bowls to your customers. The possibilities are both endless and lucrative.
How do I find quality acai?
When it comes to quality, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture grades Acai into three different categories based on their fruit solids content:
- Açai “fino” or “popular” is lower grade and must contain a minimum of 8% solids
- Açai “medio” is middle grade and must contain a minimum of 11% solids
- Açai “grosso” or “especial” is the highest grade, containing at least 14% solids
If you want to verify the quality of your acai berry, check the ingredients as well as the nutritional information on the label. You want to make sure that you only accept special A-grade acai from your supplier before you offer it to your customers.
What are the characteristics of quality acai?
Lower-grade acai will melt faster, which is definitely not ideal for acai bowls. The consistency is runny and thin, so it won’t make for a good bowl base. You will also be able to tell when looking at the acai out of the packet, as it will often be very icy and possibly see-through.
High-quality acai has a thicker consistency, containing a lot of fruit solids. You’ll also be able to tell an acai berry’s quality from the colour, as it’ll be a deep purple colour compared to lower grade acai.